Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Back in The Shire

Now what?
I feel a bit awkward introducing myself on the internet, but it seems like the done thing, so hello! Thanks for stopping by my new literature blog. I say "new", but I've had this Blogger account for about three years now. I had big plans for it when I was eighteen and about to head off to university. Then, inevitably, university got in the way of my blog dreams (not that I'm complaining) and any writing about literature was done in anxiously-typed essays.

Now I've left Aberystwyth and come home "for good". It's a strange feeling. My life is now a blank page, undefined by deadlines, and that's both exciting and terrifying (and a perfect time to restart this blog). I know it's supposed to mark a new chapter in a student's life, but leaving university was a bit anti-climatic. Even though this is a literature blog, I won't use a cheesy book ref- wait, yes I will. Coming back from Aberystwyth (which was an adventure in itself, with all those hills and stomach-churning Welsh roads) made me feel like one of the Pevensie children after stumbling back through the wardrobe after their adventures in Narnia, sitting down with a mug of fruit tea, loading Skyrim and thinking "Damn, my life was awesome back there, now I'm an unemployed graduate."

Here's hoping that this blog will prevent me making the rather tragic decision of trying to relive my university days by using my teddy bears to recreate the book club I used to run; I'll just talk to the internet instead! I've gutted the blog's original content, which wasn't very good anyway, and am starting afresh. I'll try to update it as often as possible though, and I don't mean to oversell myself here, I'm probably the world's slowest writer. That aside, I hope you enjoy the upcoming posts when they, very slowly, crawl out of my brain.

Happy reading!

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